Saturday, November 12, 2016

Life with the Lions (1969).

Trying to keep it light, folks.  Please don't bite my head off for this one.

As a Christian, I have to admit that I am a little bit excited to see Donald Trump becoming President.  All of my life, people have been reading me stories from the Bible telling me about how dangerous it is to be a Christian and how we are constantly under threat of being persecuted.  I thought that I must be a very bad Christian indeed, because nobody ever seemed to have any interest in persecuting me for my beliefs.

This made me a little sad, because even though the Bible told me that being persecuted was horrible, they also made it sound really exciting and glamorous and said that God really super-duper loved anybody who suffered in His name.  But it seemed like everybody in charge of countries realized that whenever a government tried to persecute the Christians, the Christians wound up getting the better end of the deal.

Eventually, I am ashamed to say, I lost hope.  I thought nobody was ever going to sentence me to a long prison term for practicing my personal beliefs.

Donald Trump being elected President changes all that.  For the first time in my lifetime, we will have a political leadership that I can really believe might persecute me for trying to follow what Jesus says to do in the Gospels.  For the first time in my life, I feel like a real, honest-to-God Christian.