I absolutely agree that we have to address the underlying causes, as many as we can. A lot of the policies that, for instance, Bernie has advocated, I think they would go a long way towards addressing the very real hurt and pain that Trump voters have gone through.
But what I don't think we need is more anthropological studies of "The Trump Voter". I don't think we need to do any more research, any more than we need to do "more research" on anthropogenic climate change. You need to do what's right for you, but my feeling is that our to-do list is long enough and that we should start trying to implement solutions to the problems.
I don't think we can meaningfully communicate bilaterally with a Trump voter. They're not listening to us. They're not going to learn anything from us. Even if we act directly on their behalf, they are going to oppose us, if not immediately then certainly the second some loudmouth demagogue starts telling them that we actually want to kill their entire family.
If you really don't understand what's going on in this country, and you think the only way you can learn is to talk to them, that the only valid source of information is primary sources, please, by all means, go ahead. My priority is, and will remain, to act to protect the people they are threatening, regardless of _why_ they are making these threats, and secondarily to protect myself and my values.
You are right to say the planet is burning. You can talk to the fire, but I am going to try and put it out.