Friday, February 3, 2017

It's Not Okay To Call Donald Trump A Malignant Narcissist

Hey, for the record the guy who wrote the diagnostic criteria for malignant narcissism in the DSM went on Twitter and said he didn't think people should be calling President Trump a malignant narcissist.  He knows a hell of a lot more about this than I do so I'm going to stop doing that, and I encourage you to listen to him and not whatever nonsense I come up with off the top of my head.

Yes, this means I absolutely did lose a Facebook friend over an argument I promptly changed my mind about the next day.  I have no regrets.  It was their behaviour, rather than the substance of their words, that ended our communication, and I refuse to be so stubborn that I'm not willing to re-evaluate my beliefs just because I chose to make sacrifices to defend those beliefs in the past.

Not hugely important because nobody is really reading what I have to say anyway, I'm just talking to myself, but in the unlikely event anybody _does_ ever develop an interest I figure I need to take some accountability.