Just unfriended somebody on FB for excessive radicalism. I feel surprisingly good about this. I did get in the last word, which helps, of course, but more than that it makes me feel better about our future.
Because, man, I do have a lot of tribal allegiances, though on the left they like to call them "class allegiances". And I really strongly believe that we all need to work together, and that "working together" in practice involves a whole hell of a lot of me shutting the fuck up. I will center the voices of marginalized people. I will give their voices primacy over my own.
There is, however, still a line for me. That line is between primacy and absolutism. I ask myself the question, "Who will they allow to question them?" And when the answer is "No-one", that's when I get off the bus.
This gives me hope because this phenomenon, I believe, has distinct echoes on the Right. The people there are ideologues, willing to cut Trump a tremendous amount of slack. But at a certain point, differences can no longer be papered over. Enough of them will not be able support someone who can stand to hear no voices other than his own.